News & Events
Dancing with the Celebrities Gala Ball
Last Friday, Total Recreation held their major annual fundraising event, a gala ball themed “Dancing with the Celebrities.” Total Recreation is a Not for Profit organisation that assists people with disabilities to participate in leisure and recreational activities. The event showcased local celebrities partnered with talented dancers. Somerville is proud to be a platinum sponsor of…
Launch of Somerville Christmas Hamper Appeal
Each year Somerville conducts a Christmas Hamper Appeal collecting donations of nonperishable food. The food is then packaged to make several hundred Christmas food hampers. One of our biggest donors is The Essington School community. Last Friday (16th of October) our staff attended their assembly to launch our Christmas Hamper Appeal. It is estimated that…
National Anti-Poverty Week
As part of National Anti-Poverty Week Somerville Family Services staff presented school talks to 500 middle school children in the Darwin and Palmerston areas focusing on the effects of poverty and the healthy decision making that leads to more successful and healthy futures. Each student was provided with a ‘goodie bag’ consisting of Somerville information,…
The Northern Territory Young Achiever Awards officially launched for 2016
The purpose of the Northern Territory Young Achiever Awards is to acknowledge, encourage and promote the positive achievements of young Territorians. Somerville has been involved in these awards for many years and we are proud to be able to recognise the great work that young people are doing in the community through the Community Service…
Somerville Manager wins NT Telstra Business Women’s Category Award
Somerville Disability Services, Service Development Manager, Deborah Bampton recently won the 2015 Telstra NT Business Woman of the Year Category “For Purpose and Social Enterprise.” Deborah is responsible for Somerville’s training and development program, the planning, developing and co-ordination of a social integration program and all the administrative functions of Disability Services program. In her…
Splashfest Water Safety Week
Splashfest is an annual event that kicks off a Water Safety Week, a week of activities focused on creating awareness about safety in, around and on the water. This year’s event was held at the waterfront and there were loads of free family fun activities and entertainment, including NT Water Safety mascot Boof the Barra.…
Ten-Pin bowling
Somerville organizes a number of social activities each year. These events help contribute to the family atmosphere and enjoyable work environment that in turn reflects in the high standard of service provided to our clients and the people we support. This month staff got together for some team rivalry at the local bowling alley. …
The Not for Profit Manager of the Year goes to…
The Australian Institute of Management’s (AIM) annual Northern Territory Excellence Awards, was recently held at The Hilton Darwin. We are so pleased to announce that Liza Metcalfe has won the Not for Profit Manager of the Year category for her leadership as the HR, IT and Administrative Services Manager of Somerville Community Services. Somerville is consistently…
50th Celebration and Book Launch of “Crossing the Divide”
On the 10th of June, the Hon John Elferink MLA, kindly hosted a function at Parliament House for over 200 guests and dignitaries to celebrate Somerville’s 50th Birthday and launch our book “Crossing the Divide”. “Crossing the Divide” is the story of Somerville Community Services, a story of compassion and commitment through fifty years of…
Congratulations Daphne Read
Somerville Vice-President Daphne Read recently completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course. The Company Directors Course provides one with framework that can be immediately applied to improve Board performance and decision making. Congratulations Daphne on gaining formal qualifications as a Company Director.
Palmerston Health & Wellbeing Expo
Somerville’s Family and Financial Services participated in the Palmerston Health and Wellbeing Expo held at Palmerston Senior College. The expo was attended by year 10, 11 and 12 students who were able to engage with a variety of health, wellness and community agencies. This event saw students partaking in a raffle activity and awareness raising…
Disability Awareness Week
Disability Awareness Week aims to promote access to all community events for people with disability; advocate for the rights of people with a disability and support the artistic, cultural and sporting aspirations of people with disability.
Somerville launches its new look website!
Our revamped website presents all the information and resources of the old site in a more modern, user friendly format.
Life on the Street
Our Katherine Family Services Team have been very busy supplying sleeping bags, swags and blankets to the increasing amount of homeless people in the Katherine district.
Official Opening of Somerville Community Centre, Palmerston
The official opening of our major capital project – stage 2 of the Palmerston Community centre was held on May the 12th.