Somerville focussing on disability services
From Monday 28 of March our Housing and Homelessness and Financial Counselling services have transferred to Anglicare NT along with staff attached to those services. This transition will ensure people who use these services have better access to other supports provided by Anglicare NT.
Somerville has provided these services for almost 30 years and has built an outstanding reputation for their very high quality and unwavering client focus. The people working in these services have invested heart and soul into helping our clients facing some of the most challenging personal circumstances. Farewelling these special people is a great loss to Somerville and it is impossible to measure the amazing impact that they have had in our community.
On a positive note, Anglicare NT has been very fortunate to welcome these people into their organisation and we know that they will continue to serve our community in their new roles and will benefit from working with many closely related services delivered by Anglicare NT.
This transfer has ensured that there will be no disruption to clients currently engaged with or using these services.
The services now delivered by Anglicare NT include the National Debt Helpline (NT Wide) and in the Katherine and Greater Darwin regions the Financial Counselling and Gambling Amelioration Service, No Interest Loans Scheme, Tax Help and the Stronger Homes – Transitional Accommodation and Tenancy Sustainability Service.
Staff associated with these services look forward to continuing to contribute to the community services sector and remain focused on ensuring people experiencing or at risk of financial hardship and or homelessness receive timely assistance. See www.anglicare-nt.org.au for more detailed information on locations and opening hours or contact Anglicare NT Head Office on 8985 0000 for more information.
Throughout 2022 Somerville will look to grow our grow our disability services including supported independent living, specialist disability accommodation, and support coordination – stay tuned for more exciting announcements!
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